FAQs Regarding Membership

Q.1 What are the types of membership of GSI?
Ans. There are four types of membership

  • Life membership
  • Associate membership
  • International membership
  • Honorary membership

Q.2 What is the difference between the rights of life members and other members?
Ans. (A) All types of members are entitled to participate in paid GSI activities at concessional rates. They are entitled to free publications of GSI. They can participate in all scientific activities including conferences and Whatsapp groups as delegate/ faculty. They are eligible for all awards including BS Rao award but not eligible Prof. NN Sood oration. (B) Additionally, life members can vote, can contest elections, can propose and second membership of new applicants and can be considered for Prof. NN Sood oration.

Q.3 What are International members?
Ans. This includes foreigners who take up GSI membership or Indian Members who have migrated out to other countries and acquired foreign passport. They are eligible to all privileges as in answer 2 (A) except free printed version of GSI publications.

Q.4 What are the qualification required to become a life member?
Ans. Any one of the following in addition to PG qualification in Ophthalmology:

  • Completion of fellowship/ senior residency or any other special training including minimum six months in Glaucoma. This training should involve training in diagnostics, medical as well as surgical training of glaucoma for minimum six months. Online courses / FAICO/ observership are not acceptable.
  • Faculty of a medical college with faculty position in Glaucoma services of not less than 5 years duration certified by the Head of Glaucoma Services who should himself /herself be a GSI Life Member of 5 years standing or Head of the Department of Ophthalmology with endorsement from Head of the Institution

Q.5 How can Associate members become life members?
Ans. The Associate members need to submit documentary evidence to the secretary on secretary@glaucomasociety.in/ office@glaucomasociety.in as per the answer 4 (i) or (ii) above without paying any additional fee. However, they will need to be re-ratified in the AGM following the submission of these documents